
District Nazarat Branch, Patna Collectorate, Patna. Letter No. 3363, Date- 27/12/2024

District Nazarat Branch, Patna Collectorate, Patna. Letter No. 3363, Date- 27/12/2024
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District Nazarat Branch, Patna Collectorate, Patna. Letter No. 3363, Date- 27/12/2024

Very short term tenders are invited from interested non-government institutions / establishments / service providers / contractors / joint ventures for proper cleaning, beautification and maintenance of the new main building, Vikas Bhawan and Sub-divisional Office, Patna Sadar Bhawan, Gandhi Maidan, various offices of Patna, parking complex, open complex etc. situated in Patna Collectorate Complex.

28/12/2024 14/01/2025 View (2 MB)